Add non-sudoer user with ssh access to a specific directory

Suppose you want to add another public key (
) on an existing non-sudoer user, e.g. ftpuser
for your teammate or another machine that you'll ssh
ing often and you want this user to have access to a specific dir. In this example we'll use /var/www/html
as the specific dir, also I'm using ubuntu as an example server.
1. (optional) where's the home dir of userA
If for some odd reason your non-sudoer user has a different home directory like /var/www/html
, you may want to move it back to its default dir and symlinking it instead:
# server
sudo usermod -m -d /home/userA userA
2. create .ssh
dir and authorized_keys
file if not exists
# server
mkdir /home/userA/.ssh && chmod 700 $_
touch authorized_keys && chmod 600 $_
3. symlink a directory (e.g. /var/www/html
# server
# ln -s /var/www/html /home/userA/link_name
ln -s /var/www/html /home/userA/www
4. authorized_keys
file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
This is where we read keys that are authorized to log in:
# server
# add/update this line accordingly
AuthorizedKeysFile /home/old_user/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/userA/.ssh/authorized_keys
then restart it with sudo service sshd restart
5. add client's public key (id_rsa
file) to server:
let's check if we have keys:
# client
# check if there's any keys exists
ls -al ~/.ssh
# otherwise create one
# for the rsa file you could
# name it like userA_id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your comment"
# start in background
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
# adds key to ssh-agent, it'll ask for passphrase
ssh-add ~/.ssh/userA_id_rsa
# copy public key to authorized_keys in server
cat ~/.ssh/userA_id_rsa | ssh sudouser@host.domain -vvv "cat - >> /home/userA/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# or if the sudo user uses key for loggin in
cat ~/.ssh/userA_id_rsa | ssh sudouser@host.domain -vvv -i ~/.ssh/sudouser_id_rsa "cat - >> /home/userA/.ssh/authorized_keys"
6. then log in:
userA@host.domain -vvv -i ~/.ssh/userA_id_rsa
# remember step 3 symlink?
# once logged in successfully, confirm if
# you can see /var/www/html in your home dir:
# ls -la ~/home/userA/link_name
ls -la ~/home/userA/www
saving ssh config
have some ssh config handy (~/.ssh/config
Host userA.domain
HostName host.domain
User userA
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/userA_id_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
RemoteForward 52698 localhost: 52698
then log in ssh userA.domain -vvv